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Hi five to everyone who has been through it already and know how to fix this, but at the same time there are millions of people out there just like you and me,

how to secure ssl who has the website blocked by this latest update and need the help to switch to HTTPS

ssl box HINT: Millions of Small Business Owners (zero knowledge about internet) DON’T KNOW How to get it fixed.

But really this can be done in just a few minutes because the WP Plugins are here to rescue us.

You see there is no reason to be intimidated by this, instead learn a new skill!

There are plenty of SSL WordPress Out there you can use, but in this Blog, I will reveal what we are using to secure our websites. (Plus it’s really simple to use…)

Protect your Business with an SSL certificate

HTTPS protocol

Really Simple SSL (Plugin) – Download Here

This will help you turn any HTTP website/blog into HTTPS protocol with just a few clicks of your mouse!

This plugin aims to keep SSL simple with minimal options and the ability to enable SSL with one click. Once enabled, this plugin moves your entire site to SSL. All incoming requests are redirected to HTTPS.

You can research for more plugins if you want, but this gives you the idea of what needs to be done next, right?
